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Search Results in Dotnet / CSharp / .Net powered by SerpApi.com

test NuGet version

This Dotnet 3.1 package is meant to scrape and parse results from Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, Yahoo, Ebay and more using SerpApi.

The following services are provided:

SerpApi provides a script builder to get you started quickly.


To install the package.

dotnet add package google-search-results-dotnet --version 2.0.1

More commands available at https://www.nuget.org/packages/google-search-results-dotnet

Quick start

Let's run a search on Google.

using System;
using SerpApi;
using System.Net.Http;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace Baidu
  class Program

    static void Main(string[] args)
      // secret api key from https://serpapi.com/dashboard
      String apiKey = "<secret_api_key>";

      // Localized search for Coffee shop in Austin Texas
      Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
      ht.Add("location", "Austin, Texas, United States");
      ht.Add("q", "Coffee");
      ht.Add("hl", "en");
      ht.Add("google_domain", "google.com");

         GoogleSearch search = new GoogleSearch(ht, apiKey);

        Console.WriteLine("Search coffee in Austin, Texas on Google [1 credit]");
        JObject data = search.GetJson();
        Console.WriteLine("local coffee shop");
        JArray coffeeShops = (JArray)data["local_results"]["places"];
        foreach (JObject coffeeShop in coffeeShops)
          Console.WriteLine("Found: " + coffeeShop["title"]);
        Console.WriteLine("organic result coffee shop");
        coffeeShops = (JArray)data["organic_results"];
        foreach (JObject coffeeShop in coffeeShops)
          Console.WriteLine("Found: " + coffeeShop["title"]);

        string id = (string)((JObject)data["search_metadata"])["id"];
        Console.WriteLine("Search from the archive: " + id + ". [0 credit]");
        JObject archivedSearch = search.GetSearchArchiveJson(id);
        foreach (JObject coffeeShop in (JArray)archivedSearch["organic_results"])
          Console.WriteLine("Found: " + coffeeShop["title"]);

        //  Get account information
        Console.WriteLine("Account information: [0 credit]");
        JObject account = search.GetAccount();
        Dictionary<string, string> dictObj = account.ToObject<Dictionary<string, string>>();
        foreach (string key in dictObj.Keys)
          Console.WriteLine(key + " = " + dictObj[key]);

        // close socket
      catch (SerpApiSearchException ex)

This example displays the top 3 coffee shop in Austin Texas found in the local_results. Then it displays all 10 coffee shop found in the regular google search named: organic_results.

Search API

Back-end documentation

Google search engine

GoogleSearch search = GoogleSearch(parameter, apiKey);
JObject data = search.GetJson();

test: https://github.com/serpapi/google-search-results-dotnet/blob/master/test/google_search_test.cs
doc: https://serpapi.com/search-api

Bing search engine

BingSearch search = BingSearch(parameter, apiKey);
JObject data = search.GetJson();

A full example is available here. https://github.com/serpapi/google-search-results-dotnet/blob/master/example/bing/
test: https://github.com/serpapi/google-search-results-dotnet/blob/master/test/bing_search_test.cs
doc: https://serpapi.com/bing-search-api

Baidu search engine

BaiduSearch search = BaiduSearch(parameter, apiKey);
JObject data = search.GetJson();

A full example is available here. https://github.com/serpapi/google-search-results-dotnet/blob/master/example/baidu/
test: https://github.com/serpapi/google-search-results-dotnet/blob/master/test/baidu_search_test.cs
doc: https://serpapi.com/baidu-search-api

Yahoo search engine

YahooSearch search = YahooSearch(parameter, apiKey);
JObject data = search.GetJson();

test: https://github.com/serpapi/google-search-results-dotnet/blob/master/test/yahoo_search_test.cs
doc: https://serpapi.com/yahoo-search-api

Yandex search engine

YandexSearch search = YandexSearch(parameter, apiKey);
JObject data = search.GetJson();

test: https://github.com/serpapi/google-search-results-dotnet/blob/master/test/yandex_search_test.cs
doc: https://serpapi.com/yandex-search-api

Ebay search engine

EbaySearch search = EbaySearch(parameter, apiKey);
JObject data = search.GetJson();

test: https://github.com/serpapi/google-search-results-dotnet/blob/master/test/ebay_search_test.cs
doc: https://serpapi.com/ebay-search-api

Generic search for other search engine

Here an example using walmart as search engine.

SerpApiSearch search = SerpApiSearch(parameter, apiKey, "walmart")

see: the list of engine supported from the documentation.

Location API

Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
GoogleSearch search = new GoogleSearch(ht, apiKey);
JArray locations = search.GetLocation("Austin,TX", 3);
foreach (JObject location in locations)

Search Archive API

Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
ht.Add("q", "Coffee");
GoogleSearch search = new GoogleSearch(ht, apiKey);
// search [1 credit]
JObject data = search.GetJson();
// get unique search id
string id = (string)((JObject)data["search_metadata"])["id"];
// search from the archive using id [0 credit]
JObject archivedSearch = search.GetSearchArchiveJson(id);

Get Account API

Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
GoogleSearch search = new GoogleSearch(ht, apiKey);
JObject account = search.GetAccount();
Dictionary<string, string> dictObj = account.ToObject<Dictionary<string, string>>();
foreach (string key in dictObj.Keys)
  Console.WriteLine(key + " = " + dictObj[key]);


This library is fully unit tested.
The tests can be used as implementation examples.

Changes log

2.0.1 - bug fix

  • Special characters encoding support.
  • Allow to modified parameter using search.paramaterContext
  • Upgrade to netcoreapp3.1


  • Reduce class name to Search


  • Add support for Yandex, Ebay, Yahoo


  • Bug fix: Release Socket connection when requests finish. Because Dotnet does not release the ressource when the HTTP Client is closed.
  • Add Yahoo support: YahooSearch
  • Create only one search for all the connection


  • Add bing and baidu support
  • Allow custom HTTP timeout using: setTimeoutSeconds
  • Fix exception class visibility and renamed to SerpApiSearchException


  • Initial release matching SerpApi 1.2 internal API


  • [ ] Add example for highly concurrent requests.

Free Plan · 100 searches / month

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