Google Flights API

Our Google Flights API allows you to scrape flight results from Google Flights. The API is accessed through the following endpoint: /search?engine=google_flights.

A user may query the following: utilizing a GET request. Head to the playground for a live and interactive demo.

API Parameters

Search Query



Parameter defines the departure airport code or location kgmid.
An airport code is an uppercase 3-letter code. You can search for it on Google Flights or IATA.
For example, CDG is Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport and AUS is Austin-Bergstrom International Airport.
A location kgmid is a string that starts with /m/. You can search for a location on Wikidata and use its "Freebase ID" as the location kgmid. For example, /m/0vzm is the location kgmid for Austin, TX.
You can specify multiple departure airports by separating them with a comma. For example, CDG,ORY,/m/04jpl.



Parameter defines the arrival airport code or location kgmid.
An airport code is an uppercase 3-letter code. You can search for it on Google Flights or IATA.
For example, CDG is Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport and AUS is Austin-Bergstrom International Airport.
A location kgmid is a string that starts with /m/. You can search for a location on Wikidata and use its "Freebase ID" as the location kgmid. For example, /m/0vzm is the location kgmid for Austin, TX.
You can specify multiple arrival airports by separating them with a comma. For example, CDG,ORY,/m/04jpl.




Parameter defines the country to use for the Google Hotels search. It's a two-letter country code. (e.g., us for the United States, uk for United Kingdom, or fr for France) Head to the Google countries page for a full list of supported Google countries.



Parameter defines the language to use for the Google Flights search. It's a two-letter language code. (e.g., en for English, es for Spanish, or fr for French). Head to the Google languages page for a full list of supported Google languages.



Parameter defines the currency of the returned prices. Default to USD. Head to the Google Travel Currencies page for a full list of supported currency codes.

Advanced Google Flights Parameters



Parameter defines the type of the flights.
Available options:

1 - Round trip (default)
2 - One way
3 - Multi-city

When this parameter is set to 3, use multi_city_json to set the flight information.



Parameter defines the outbound date. The format is YYYY-MM-DD. e.g. 2024-10-10



Parameter defines the return date. The format is YYYY-MM-DD. e.g. 2024-10-16

Parameter is required if type parameter is set to: 1 (Round trip)



Parameter defines the travel class.
Available options:

1 - Economy (default)
2 - Premium economy
3 - Business
4 - First



Parameter defines the flight information for multi-city flights. It's a JSON string containing multiple flight information objects. Each object should contain the following fields:

departure_id - The departure airport code or location kgmid. The format is the same as the main departure_id parameter.
arrival_id - The arrival airport code or location kgmid. The format is the same as the main arrival_id parameter.
date - Flight date. The format is the same as the outbound_date parameter.
times - Time range for the flight. The format is the same as the outbound_times parameter. This parameter is optional.


The example is a multi-city flight from CDG to NRT on 2024-10-16, then from NRT to LAX or SEA on 2024-10-23, and finally from LAX or SEA to AUS on 2024-10-30. The last flight has a departure time range from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM and an arrival time range from 9:00 AM to 12:00 AM (Midnight).



Set to true to include the hidden flight results. Default to false.

Number Of Passengers



Parameter defines the number of adults. Default to 1.



Parameter defines the number of children. Default to 0.



Parameter defines the number of infants in seat. Default to 0.



Parameter defines the number of infants on lap. Default to 0.

Advanced Filters



Parameter defines the number of stops during the flight.
Available options:

0 - Any number of stops (default)
1 - Nonstop only
2 - 1 stop or fewer
3 - 2 stops or fewer



Parameter defines the airline codes to be excluded. Split multiple airlines with comma.
It can't be used together with include_airlines.
Each airline code should be a 2-character IATA code consisting of either two uppercase letters or one uppercase letter and one digit. You can search for airline codes on IATA.
For example, UA is United Airlines.
Additionally, alliances can be also included here:

STAR_ALLIANCE - Star Alliance
ONEWORLD - Oneworld

exclude_airlines and include_airlines parameters can't be used together.



Parameter defines the airline codes to be included. Split multiple airlines with comma.
It can't be used together with exclude_airlines.
Each airline code should be a 2-character IATA code consisting of either two uppercase letters or one uppercase letter and one digit. You can search for airline codes on IATA.
For example, UA is United Airlines.
Additionally, alliances can be also included here:

STAR_ALLIANCE - Star Alliance
ONEWORLD - Oneworld

exclude_airlines and include_airlines parameters can't be used together.



Parameter defines the number of carry-on bags. Default to 0.



Parameter defines the maximum ticket price. Default to unlimited.



Parameter defines the outbound times range. It's a string containing two (for departure only) or four (for departure and arrival) comma-separated numbers. Each number represents the beginning of an hour. For example:

4,18: 4:00 AM - 7:00 PM departure
0,18: 12:00 AM - 7:00 PM departure
19,23: 7:00 PM - 12:00 AM departure
4,18,3,19: 4:00 AM - 7:00 PM departure, 3:00 AM - 8:00 PM arrival
0,23,3,19: unrestricted departure, 3:00 AM - 8:00 PM arrival



Parameter defines the return times range. It's a string containing two (for departure only) or four (for departure and arrival) comma-separated numbers. Each number represents the beginning of an hour. For example:

4,18: 4:00 AM - 7:00 PM departure
0,18: 12:00 AM - 7:00 PM departure
19,23: 7:00 PM - 12:00 AM departure
4,18,3,19: 4:00 AM - 7:00 PM departure, 3:00 AM - 8:00 PM arrival
0,23,3,19: unrestricted departure, 3:00 AM - 8:00 PM arrival

Parameter should only be used when type parameter is set to: 1 (Round trip)



Parameter defines the emission level of the flight.
Available options:

1 - Less emissions only



Parameter defines the layover duration, in minutes. It's a string containing two comma-separated numbers. For example, specify 90,330 for 1 hr 30 min - 5 hr 30 min.



Parameter defines the connecting airport codes to be excluded.
An airport ID is an uppercase 3-letter code. You can search for it on Google Flights or IATA.
For example, CDG is Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport and AUS is Austin-Bergstrom International Airport.

You can also combine multiple Airports by joining them with a comma (value + , + value; eg: CDG,AUS).



Parameter defines the maximum flight duration, in minutes. For example, specify 1500 for 25 hours.

Next Flights



Parameter is used to select the flight and get returning flights (for Round trip) or flights for the next leg of itinerary (for Multi-city). Find this token in the departure flight results.

It cannot be used together with booking_token.

Booking Flights



Parameter is used to get booking options for the selected flights. Find this token in the flight results.

It cannot be used together with departure_token.
When using this token, parameters related to date and parameters inside "Advanced Filters" section won't affect the result.

Serpapi Parameters



Set parameter to google_flights to use the Google Flights API engine.



Parameter will force SerpApi to fetch the Google Flights results even if a cached version is already present. A cache is served only if the query and all parameters are exactly the same. Cache expires after 1h. Cached searches are free, and are not counted towards your searches per month. It can be set to false (default) to allow results from the cache, or true to disallow results from the cache. no_cache and async parameters should not be used together.



Parameter defines the way you want to submit your search to SerpApi. It can be set to false (default) to open an HTTP connection and keep it open until you got your search results, or true to just submit your search to SerpApi and retrieve them later. In this case, you'll need to use our Searches Archive API to retrieve your results. async and no_cache parameters should not be used together.



Parameter defines the SerpApi private key to use.



Parameter defines the final output you want. It can be set to json (default) to get a structured JSON of the results, or html to get the raw html retrieved.

API Results

JSON Results

JSON output includes structured data for Flight Results and Price Insights.

A search status is accessible through search_metadata.status. It flows this way: Processing -> Success || Error. If a search has failed, error will contain an error message. is the search ID inside SerpApi.

HTML Results

This API does not have html response, just a text. search_metadata.prettify_html_file contains prettified version of result. It is displayed in playground.

API Examples

JSON structure overview

  "best_flights": [
    // best_flights is not always returned
      "flights": [
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "String - Departure airport name",
            "id": "String - Departure airport code",
            "time": "String - Departure time"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "String - Arrival airport name",
            "id": "String - Arrival airport code",
            "time": "String - Arrival time"
          "duration": "Integer - Flight duration, in minutes",
          "airplane": "String - Airplane model",
          "airline": "String - Name of the airline",
          "airline_logo": "String - URL to the logo of the airline",
          "travel_class": "String - Travel class",
          "flight_number": "String - The flight number",
          "extensions": "Array - A list of flight features",
          "ticket_also_sold_by": "Array - A list of other sellers",
          "legroom": "String - The legroom, including unit",
          "overnight": "Boolean - Returns 'true' if the flight is overnight",
          "often_delayed_by_over_30_min": "Boolean - Returns 'true' if the flight is often delayed by 30+ min.",
      "layovers": [
          "duration": "Integer - Duration of the layover, in minutes",
          "name": "String - Name of the airport for the layover",
          "id": "String - The airport code for the layover",
          "overnight": "Boolean - Returns 'true' if the layover is overnight",
      "total_duration": "Integer - Total minutes of all flights and layovers",
      "carbon_emissions": {
        "this_flight": "Integer - The amount of carbon emissions of the flight, in grams",
        "typical_for_this_route": "Integer - Typical amount of carbon emissions for the route, in grams",
        "difference_percent": "Integer - The carbon emissions difference between the flight and typical value, in percent",
      "price": "Integer - This ticket price in the selected currency, the default currency is USD",
      "type": "String - The type of the flight. It's a reflection of the request parameter `type`",
      "airline_logo": "String - URL to the logo of mixed airlines",
      "extensions": "Array - A list of features of the entire flight",
      "departure_token": "String - The token for retrieving returning flights when the flight type is 'Round trip'",
      "booking_token": "String - The token for retrieving booking options for selected flights",
  "other_flights": [
    // The same structure as best_flights
    // When the results are not separated into best_flights and other_flights, they are in other_flights
  "price_insights": {
    "lowest_price": "Integer - The lowest price among the returned flights",
    "price_level": "String - Price level of the lowest_price",
    "typical_price_range": "Array - A two-integer array, indicating the low bound and high bound of 'typical' price of this flight",
    "price_history": "Array - A two-integer array, where the first element is the timestamp, and the second one is the price",
  "airports": [
      "departure": [
          "airport": {
            "name": "String - Departure airport name",
            "id": "String - Departure airport code"
          "city": "String - Departure city",
          "country": "String - Departure country name",
          "country_code": "String - Departure country code",
          "image": "String - URL to the image of the departure city",
          "thumbnail": "String - URL to the thumbnail image of the departure city"
      "arrival": [
          "airport": {
            "name": "String - Arrival airport name",
            "id": "String - Arrival airport code"
          "city": "String - Arrival city",
          "country": "String - Arrival country name",
          "country_code": "String - Arrival country code",
          "image": "String - URL to the image of the arrival city",
          "thumbnail": "String - URL to the thumbnail image of the arrival city"

Typical Example

Typical Example

JSON Example

  "search_metadata": {
    "id": "651a585815afff2d53eb9a5e",
    "status": "Success",
    "json_endpoint": "",
    "created_at": "2023-10-02 05:42:48 UTC",
    "processed_at": "2023-10-02 05:42:48 UTC",
    "google_flights_url": "",
    "raw_html_file": "",
    "prettify_html_file": "",
    "total_time_taken": 0.71
  "search_parameters": {
    "engine": "google_flights",
    "hl": "en",
    "departure_id": "PEK",
    "arrival_id": "AUS",
    "outbound_date": "2023-10-03",
    "return_date": "2023-10-09",
    "currency": "USD"
  "best_flights": [
      "flights": [
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Beijing Capital International Airport",
            "id": "PEK",
            "time": "2023-10-03 15:10"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Haneda Airport",
            "id": "HND",
            "time": "2023-10-03 19:35"
          "duration": 205,
          "airplane": "Boeing 787",
          "airline": "ANA",
          "airline_logo": "",
          "travel_class": "Economy",
          "flight_number": "NH 962",
          "legroom": "31 in",
          "extensions": [
            "Average legroom (31 in)",
            "Wi-Fi for a fee",
            "In-seat power & USB outlets",
            "On-demand video",
            "Carbon emissions estimate: 133 kg"
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Haneda Airport",
            "id": "HND",
            "time": "2023-10-03 21:05"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Los Angeles International Airport",
            "id": "LAX",
            "time": "2023-10-03 15:10"
          "duration": 605,
          "airplane": "Boeing 787",
          "airline": "ANA",
          "airline_logo": "",
          "travel_class": "Economy",
          "flight_number": "NH 126",
          "ticket_also_sold_by": [
          "legroom": "32 in",
          "extensions": [
            "Above average legroom (32 in)",
            "In-seat power & USB outlets",
            "On-demand video",
            "Carbon emissions estimate: 836 kg"
          "overnight": true
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Los Angeles International Airport",
            "id": "LAX",
            "time": "2023-10-03 19:01"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Austin-Bergstrom International Airport",
            "id": "AUS",
            "time": "2023-10-03 23:59"
          "duration": 178,
          "airplane": "Boeing 737MAX 9 Passenger",
          "airline": "United",
          "airline_logo": "",
          "travel_class": "Economy",
          "flight_number": "UA 2175",
          "legroom": "30 in",
          "extensions": [
            "Average legroom (30 in)",
            "Wi-Fi for a fee",
            "In-seat power outlet",
            "Stream media to your device",
            "Carbon emissions estimate: 135 kg"
      "layovers": [
          "duration": 90,
          "name": "Haneda Airport",
          "id": "HND"
          "duration": 231,
          "name": "Los Angeles International Airport",
          "id": "LAX"
      "total_duration": 1309,
      "carbon_emissions": {
        "this_flight": 1106000,
        "typical_for_this_route": 949000,
        "difference_percent": 17
      "price": 2512,
      "type": "Round trip",
      "airline_logo": "",
      "departure_token": "W1siUEVLIiwiMjAyMy0xMC0wMyIsIkhORCIsbnVsbCwiTkgiLCI5NjIiXSxbIkhORCIsIjIwMjMtMTAtMDMiLCJMQVgiLG51bGwsIk5IIiwiMTI2Il0sWyJMQVgiLCIyMDIzLTEwLTAzIiwiQVVTIixudWxsLCJVQSIsIjIxNzUiXV0="
      "flights": [
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Beijing Capital International Airport",
            "id": "PEK",
            "time": "2023-10-03 10:40"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Incheon International Airport",
            "id": "ICN",
            "time": "2023-10-03 13:50"
          "duration": 130,
          "airplane": "Airbus A330",
          "airline": "Asiana",
          "airline_logo": "",
          "travel_class": "Economy",
          "flight_number": "OZ 332",
          "legroom": "32 in",
          "extensions": [
            "Above average legroom (32 in)",
            "In-seat power outlet",
            "On-demand video",
            "Carbon emissions estimate: 84 kg"
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Incheon International Airport",
            "id": "ICN",
            "time": "2023-10-03 20:55"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "San Francisco International Airport",
            "id": "SFO",
            "time": "2023-10-03 15:30"
          "duration": 635,
          "airplane": "Airbus A350",
          "airline": "Asiana",
          "airline_logo": "",
          "travel_class": "Economy",
          "flight_number": "OZ 212",
          "legroom": "32 in",
          "extensions": [
            "Above average legroom (32 in)",
            "Wi-Fi for a fee",
            "In-seat power & USB outlets",
            "On-demand video",
            "Carbon emissions estimate: 619 kg"
          "overnight": true,
          "often_delayed_by_over_30_min": true
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "San Francisco International Airport",
            "id": "SFO",
            "time": "2023-10-04 07:40"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Austin-Bergstrom International Airport",
            "id": "AUS",
            "time": "2023-10-04 13:10"
          "duration": 210,
          "airplane": "Boeing 737",
          "airline": "Alaska",
          "airline_logo": "",
          "travel_class": "Economy",
          "flight_number": "AS 512",
          "legroom": "31 in",
          "extensions": [
            "Average legroom (31 in)",
            "Wi-Fi for a fee",
            "In-seat power & USB outlets",
            "Stream media to your device",
            "Carbon emissions estimate: 175 kg"
      "layovers": [
          "duration": 425,
          "name": "Incheon International Airport",
          "id": "ICN"
          "duration": 970,
          "name": "San Francisco International Airport",
          "id": "SFO",
          "overnight": true
      "total_duration": 2370,
      "carbon_emissions": {
        "this_flight": 880000,
        "typical_for_this_route": 949000,
        "difference_percent": -7
      "price": 2513,
      "type": "Round trip",
      "airline_logo": "",
      "departure_token": "W1siUEVLIiwiMjAyMy0xMC0wMyIsIklDTiIsbnVsbCwiT1oiLCIzMzIiXSxbIklDTiIsIjIwMjMtMTAtMDMiLCJTRk8iLG51bGwsIk9aIiwiMjEyIl0sWyJTRk8iLCIyMDIzLTEwLTA0IiwiQVVTIixudWxsLCJBUyIsIjUxMiJdXQ=="
  "other_flights": [
      "flights": [
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Beijing Capital International Airport",
            "id": "PEK",
            "time": "2023-10-03 18:30"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Incheon International Airport",
            "id": "ICN",
            "time": "2023-10-03 21:40"
          "duration": 130,
          "airplane": "Boeing 737MAX 8 Passenger",
          "airline": "Korean Air",
          "airline_logo": "",
          "travel_class": "Economy",
          "flight_number": "KE 860",
          "legroom": "31 in",
          "extensions": [
            "Average legroom (31 in)",
            "Wi-Fi for a fee",
            "In-seat power & USB outlets",
            "Stream media to your device",
            "Carbon emissions estimate: 81 kg"
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Incheon International Airport",
            "id": "ICN",
            "time": "2023-10-04 09:20"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport",
            "id": "DFW",
            "time": "2023-10-04 08:00"
          "duration": 760,
          "airplane": "Boeing 787",
          "airline": "Korean Air",
          "airline_logo": "",
          "travel_class": "Economy",
          "flight_number": "KE 31",
          "legroom": "33 in",
          "extensions": [
            "Above average legroom (33 in)",
            "In-seat power & USB outlets",
            "On-demand video",
            "Carbon emissions estimate: 807 kg"
          "overnight": true
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport",
            "id": "DFW",
            "time": "2023-10-04 09:35"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Austin-Bergstrom International Airport",
            "id": "AUS",
            "time": "2023-10-04 10:40"
          "duration": 65,
          "airplane": "Embraer 175",
          "airline": "American",
          "airline_logo": "",
          "travel_class": "Economy",
          "flight_number": "AA 3489",
          "legroom": "30 in",
          "extensions": [
            "Average legroom (30 in)",
            "Wi-Fi for a fee",
            "In-seat power & USB outlets",
            "Stream media to your device",
            "Carbon emissions estimate: 60 kg"
      "layovers": [
          "duration": 700,
          "name": "Incheon International Airport",
          "id": "ICN",
          "overnight": true
          "duration": 95,
          "name": "Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport",
          "id": "DFW"
      "total_duration": 1750,
      "carbon_emissions": {
        "this_flight": 949000,
        "typical_for_this_route": 949000,
        "difference_percent": 0
      "price": 3521,
      "type": "Round trip",
      "airline_logo": "",
      "departure_token": "W1siUEVLIiwiMjAyMy0xMC0wMyIsIklDTiIsbnVsbCwiS0UiLCI4NjAiXSxbIklDTiIsIjIwMjMtMTAtMDQiLCJERlciLG51bGwsIktFIiwiMzEiXSxbIkRGVyIsIjIwMjMtMTAtMDQiLCJBVVMiLG51bGwsIkFBIiwiMzQ4OSJdXQ=="
      "flights": [
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Beijing Capital International Airport",
            "id": "PEK",
            "time": "2023-10-03 18:30"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Incheon International Airport",
            "id": "ICN",
            "time": "2023-10-03 21:40"
          "duration": 130,
          "airplane": "Boeing 737MAX 8 Passenger",
          "airline": "Korean Air",
          "airline_logo": "",
          "travel_class": "Economy",
          "flight_number": "KE 860",
          "legroom": "31 in",
          "extensions": [
            "Average legroom (31 in)",
            "Wi-Fi for a fee",
            "In-seat power & USB outlets",
            "Stream media to your device",
            "Carbon emissions estimate: 81 kg"
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Incheon International Airport",
            "id": "ICN",
            "time": "2023-10-04 09:20"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport",
            "id": "ATL",
            "time": "2023-10-04 09:50"
          "duration": 810,
          "airplane": "Boeing 747",
          "airline": "Korean Air",
          "airline_logo": "",
          "travel_class": "Economy",
          "flight_number": "KE 35",
          "legroom": "33 in",
          "extensions": [
            "Above average legroom (33 in)",
            "In-seat power & USB outlets",
            "On-demand video",
            "Carbon emissions estimate: 954 kg"
          "overnight": true
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport",
            "id": "ATL",
            "time": "2023-10-04 12:59"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Austin-Bergstrom International Airport",
            "id": "AUS",
            "time": "2023-10-04 14:18"
          "duration": 139,
          "airplane": "Airbus A321",
          "airline": "Delta",
          "airline_logo": "",
          "travel_class": "Economy",
          "flight_number": "DL 1384",
          "ticket_also_sold_by": [
            "Korean Air"
          "legroom": "31 in",
          "extensions": [
            "Average legroom (31 in)",
            "Free Wi-Fi",
            "In-seat power & USB outlets",
            "Live TV",
            "Carbon emissions estimate: 109 kg"
      "layovers": [
          "duration": 700,
          "name": "Incheon International Airport",
          "id": "ICN",
          "overnight": true
          "duration": 189,
          "name": "Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport",
          "id": "ATL"
      "total_duration": 1968,
      "carbon_emissions": {
        "this_flight": 1146000,
        "typical_for_this_route": 949000,
        "difference_percent": 21
      "price": 3521,
      "type": "Round trip",
      "airline_logo": "",
      "departure_token": "W1siUEVLIiwiMjAyMy0xMC0wMyIsIklDTiIsbnVsbCwiS0UiLCI4NjAiXSxbIklDTiIsIjIwMjMtMTAtMDQiLCJBVEwiLG51bGwsIktFIiwiMzUiXSxbIkFUTCIsIjIwMjMtMTAtMDQiLCJBVVMiLG51bGwsIkRMIiwiMTM4NCJdXQ=="
  "price_insights": {
    "lowest_price": 2512,
    "price_level": "high",
    "typical_price_range": [
    "price_history": [
  "airports": [
      "departure": [
          "airport": {
            "name": "Beijing Capital International Airport",
            "id": "PEK"
          "city": "Beijing",
          "country": "China",
          "country_code": "CN",
          "image": "",
          "thumbnail": ""
      "arrival": [
          "airport": {
            "name": "Austin-Bergstrom International Airport",
            "id": "AUS"
          "city": "Austin",
          "country": "United States",
          "country_code": "US",
          "image": "",
          "thumbnail": ""
      "departure": [
          "airport": {
            "name": "John F. Kennedy International Airport",
            "id": "JFK"
          "city": "New York",
          "country": "United States",
          "country_code": "US",
          "image": "",
          "thumbnail": ""
      "arrival": [
          "airport": {
            "name": "London Heathrow Airport",
            "id": "LHR"
          "city": "London",
          "country": "United Kingdom",
          "country_code": "GB",
          "image": "",
          "thumbnail": ""

Example with departure_id: CDG,ORY (multiple departure airports)

Example with departure_id: CDG,ORY (multiple departure airports)

JSON Example

  "best_flights": [
      "flights": [
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport",
            "id": "CDG",
            "time": "2024-03-20 18:50"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Istanbul Airport",
            "id": "IST",
            "time": "2024-03-21 00:20"
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Istanbul Airport",
            "id": "IST",
            "time": "2024-03-21 08:00"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Los Angeles International Airport",
            "id": "LAX",
            "time": "2024-03-21 11:55"
      "layovers": [
          "duration": 460,
          "name": "Istanbul Airport",
          "id": "IST",
          "overnight": true
      "total_duration": 1505,
      "price": 887,
      "type": "Round trip",
      "flights": [
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Paris-Orly Airport",
            "id": "ORY",
            "time": "2024-03-20 07:00"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "London Gatwick Airport",
            "id": "LGW",
            "time": "2024-03-20 07:10"
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "London Gatwick Airport",
            "id": "LGW",
            "time": "2024-03-20 10:35"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Los Angeles International Airport",
            "id": "LAX",
            "time": "2024-03-20 15:10"
      "layovers": [
          "duration": 205,
          "name": "London Gatwick Airport",
          "id": "LGW"
      "total_duration": 970,
      "price": 890,
      "type": "Round trip",
      "flights": [
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport",
            "id": "CDG",
            "time": "2024-03-20 13:15"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Dublin Airport",
            "id": "DUB",
            "time": "2024-03-20 14:05"
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Dublin Airport",
            "id": "DUB",
            "time": "2024-03-20 15:20"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Los Angeles International Airport",
            "id": "LAX",
            "time": "2024-03-20 19:35"
      "layovers": [
          "duration": 75,
          "name": "Dublin Airport",
          "id": "DUB"
      "total_duration": 860,
      "price": 1240,
      "type": "Round trip",
  "airports": [
      "departure": [
          "airport": {
            "name": "Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport",
            "id": "CDG"
          "city": "Paris",
          "country": "France",
          "country_code": "FR",
          "image": "",
          "thumbnail": ""
          "airport": {
            "name": "Paris-Orly Airport",
            "id": "ORY"
          "city": "Paris",
          "country": "France",
          "country_code": "FR",
          "image": "",
          "thumbnail": ""
      "arrival": [
          "airport": {
            "name": "Los Angeles International Airport",
            "id": "LAX"
          "city": "Los Angeles",
          "country": "United States",
          "country_code": "US",
          "image": "",
          "thumbnail": ""

Multi-city example

Use departure_token to select the flight and get flights for the next leg of itinerary.

Multi-city example

JSON Example

  "best_flights": [
      "flights": [
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport",
            "id": "CDG",
            "time": "2024-07-16 09:10"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport",
            "id": "YUL",
            "time": "2024-07-16 10:45"
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport",
            "id": "YUL",
            "time": "2024-07-16 12:50"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Narita International Airport",
            "id": "NRT",
            "time": "2024-07-17 15:25"
      "layovers": [
          "duration": 125,
          "name": "Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport",
          "id": "YUL"
      "total_duration": 1395,
      "price": 3124,
      "type": "Multi-city",
      "flights": [
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport",
            "id": "CDG",
            "time": "2024-07-16 13:25"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Shanghai Pudong International Airport",
            "id": "PVG",
            "time": "2024-07-17 07:00"
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Shanghai Pudong International Airport",
            "id": "PVG",
            "time": "2024-07-17 09:05"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Narita International Airport",
            "id": "NRT",
            "time": "2024-07-17 12:50"
      "layovers": [
          "duration": 125,
          "name": "Shanghai Pudong International Airport",
          "id": "PVG"
      "total_duration": 985,
      "price": 4174,
      "type": "Multi-city",
  "other_flights": [
      "flights": [
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport",
            "id": "CDG",
            "time": "2024-07-16 21:20"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Shanghai Pudong International Airport",
            "id": "PVG",
            "time": "2024-07-17 14:40"
          "departure_airport": {
            "name": "Shanghai Pudong International Airport",
            "id": "PVG",
            "time": "2024-07-17 16:55"
          "arrival_airport": {
            "name": "Narita International Airport",
            "id": "NRT",
            "time": "2024-07-17 20:55"
      "layovers": [
          "duration": 135,
          "name": "Shanghai Pudong International Airport",
          "id": "PVG"
      "total_duration": 995,
      "price": 4174,
      "type": "Multi-city",
  "airports": [
      "departure": [
          "airport": {
            "name": "Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport",
            "id": "CDG"
          "city": "Paris",
          "country": "France",
          "country_code": "FR",
          "image": "",
          "thumbnail": ""
          "airport": {
            "name": "Narita International Airport",
            "id": "NRT"
          "city": "Tokyo",
          "country": "Japan",
          "country_code": "JP",
          "image": "",
          "thumbnail": ""
      "arrival": [
          "airport": {
            "name": "Austin-Bergstrom International Airport",
            "id": "AUS"
          "city": "Austin",
          "country": "United States",
          "country_code": "US",
          "image": "",
          "thumbnail": ""